There are alot of BizTalk blogs available. I find that most of the content focuses on architecture and development and there is little content available for those of us tasked with keeping BizTalk running. This blog will hopefully address this gap by focussing on things that will be relevant to BizTalk Administrators and everyone involved in BizTalk operations. That being said, I do get quite a variety of interesting BizTalk issues in my day to day work so I expect my posts will hit a wide cross section of BizTalk stuff.

A personal intro:

Those of you who come along to our Sydney BizTalk Usergroup, will know me as one of the organisers. If you're in Australia or New Zealand and you've raised a support case with Microsoft on BizTalk in the past couple of years you would have probably had me on the other end of the line.

I've been working with BizTalk Server since early 2000 when BizTalk 2000 was in beta. In fact, I can remember downloading Alpha BizTalk bits when all that existed was the developer's workbench sweepings. I've lived through all the version upgrades. I've passed both the BizTalk 2004 and 2006 certification exams. I've toyed with the idea of going back and sitting the BizTalk 2000 exam just for completeness :-).

One of the reasons its taken me so long to get this blog up and running is that I've been up to my eyeballs in study: I'm currently about half way through.

Expect a flurry of posts over the next few weeks while i get the pent up content ideas out. After that things will settle down a bit.

I would of course appreciate folks linking to my blog so I can get an audience.

Feedback always welcome.


posted on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 8:49 PM | Print